September 19, 2024

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Mother was having fun with her lover, then her daughter came, when she made noise, she along with her lover killed the innocent child.

Crime News. An incident that puts Mamata to shame has come to light. A woman was extinguishing the fire of lust with her lover, when her innocent daughter came and saw both of them in an objectionable situation. Meanwhile, the woman along with her lover killed her daughter.

The whole matter is from Hapur in UP. The murder of innocent Kavya has come to light. The murderer turned out to be none other than his birth mother Sulekha and her lover Ankit Tomar. Both have been arrested. The mother’s lust outweighed her love and to hide her act, she strangled her daughter to death.

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Sulekha told the police that when the daughter saw her in an objectionable position with Ankit, she started talking about complaining to her father. He asked him not to do so by giving various kinds of inducements. But, she insisted on complaining. After which he killed the daughter.

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