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Woman downloads cellular app to take mortgage, cyber thugs hacked telephone, made porn video

Noida: In Sarfabad village of Noida district, unidentified cyber thugs hacked the cell phone of a tender girl, stealing her non-public knowledge and posting her pornographic video on social media. The police is investigating the subject by way of registering the incident record. Police Station Officer, Sector 113, Sharad Kant mentioned {that a} younger girl dwelling in Sarfabad village has filed a record within the police station that she downloaded an app to take loans.

He informed that once she downloaded the app, the woman began getting calls and within the period in-between her telephone was once hacked and private knowledge together with her photos had been stolen.

Sharad Kant mentioned that in keeping with the grievance, cyber thugs made a pornographic video of the woman at the foundation of images gained from her cell phone and put it on social media. The station in-charge mentioned that the police is investigating the subject after registering a record of the incident.